Physical Sunscreens Vs Chemical Sunscreens The Argument

What is the difference between chemical and physical sun protection? Most of the sunscreens that line the aisles of your local grocery or drugstore are likely made with chemical sunscreen ingredients (either as a whole, or in combination with a physical UV protectant). These UVA/UVB fighting chemicals (of which there are many, many different options) work by absorbing the sun’s rays. While highly effective in the protection department, these chemical filters have been known to have higher irritation potential, and can even cause allergic reactions....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 765 words · Brian Ashley

Protecting Your Phone At The Beach Or Pool

Plastic Zip Lock Bag The great thing about this trick is that you already have the bags out for your sandwiches. There’s no need to buy an expensive product if you only plan on checking it every once in a while. Another benefit is the fact that it’s clear because you can see right through it. While in the plastic bag, your phone will remain dry and free of sand grains and sunscreen smudges....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 583 words · Mary Nkomo

Psychologist Finds The 3 Elements That Determine Our Happiness

Psychologists have established that there are three main things that contribute to a person’s happiness and well being. These are the basic principles of a concept known as ‘self determination theory’. This theory exemplifies the difference between having intrinsic versus extrinsic goals that lead to your eventual happiness. Aiming for material wealth, unattainable youth and other people’s approval (extrinsic goals) is misleading and ultimately shallow, leaving you dissatisfied. Focusing instead on virtues you can embody beyond the material; those that allude to your character, emotional maturity and altruism (intrinsic goals) give you the tools to experience a more rich and meaningful life....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 509 words · Roman Mccormick

Quicktip Bypass Recycle Bin To Permanently Delete

This will delete the file permanently instead of just moving it to the Recycle Bin. Likewise, you can make this happen all the time by going to the Recycle Bin’s properties [Right-Click] and checking the “Remove files immediately when deleted” radio button.

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 42 words · Tim Hinson

Researchers Find That With This Simple Posture You Ll Recall More Positive Memories

The work of San Francisco State University professor Erik Peper has demonstrated that there is a close link between your body language, feelings, and thoughts.[1] Specifically, Peper has shown that when individuals make a conscious effort to stand or sit up straight, they are better able to recall happy memories, and to feel more positive about life in general. Continued research in this study has backed up this notion that the mind follows where the body leads....

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 206 words · Kenton Thorne

Resume You Ve Got 30 Seconds

Although Rands is specifically talking about the Tech industry, I think a lot of what’s mentioned goes for any job. If you can clear up the resume to hit hard the first go over, and, if needed, strengthen your position the second read, then you’ve probably got a phone interview lined up already. A Glimpse and a Hook – [RandsInRepose] Skills. I skip the skills section not only because this is information I’ll derive from job history, but also because this section is full of misinformation....

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 130 words · Paul Carlson

Review Xobni Extends Outlook S View But At A Cost

Outlook is a well-established presence on the business desktop, providing millions with their email, calendar, contacts, and tasks. It’s such an institution, in fact, that when Microsoft radically revamped the Office suite’s interface in 2007, it left Outlook largely unchanged. Although it’s big and sluggish, there’s no denying that Outlook does what it’s supposed to do. Not quickly or with style, but consistently and effectively nonetheless. The thing is, though, that we have moved beyond just email as our major form of business communication....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1221 words · Manuel Rivera

Science Says People Who Are Moody Are Not Fragile But More Adaptable

Women get a raw deal when their bad moods are noticed much more than men, as pointed out in Dr. Julie Holland’s book Moody Bitches. She argues convincingly that women’s moods are a strength, rather than a weakness. A new study from University College of London recently appearing in the Trends in Cognitive Sciences journal also confirms that moodiness is not a bad thing at all and may actually have a biological purpose....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 594 words · Nelson Morring

Signs That You Re Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue Even If You Don T Feel You Are

You Feel Tired All the Time It’s not just your adrenal glands that are fatigued when you have this condition! If you do have it, it is likely that you feel tired all the time, regardless of how much sleep you get at night or how many naps you sneak in during the day. This complete lack of stamina prompts many people to use caffeine throughout the day just to keep going, but that can only make the problem worse....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 718 words · Stanley Lawhorn

Signs You Need An Attitude Adjustment And How To Do It

You get out of bed in the morning feeling grumpy. Perhaps you mutter to yourself because there’s no coffee. The traffic lights all seem to be stuck on red and you feel like the world is against you. As you screech into work ten minutes late, you complain about all the things that went wrong. We all have the occasional day like this, because that’s life. But if you experience regular days like this, then it could be a sign you need an attitude adjustment....

January 26, 2023 · 8 min · 1594 words · Marcela Vang

Simple Ways You Can Be Happy Every Day

1. Love yourself You’re studying, you’re working, you’re worrying, you’re sorting out your life and seeing where you need to be next, you are just trying to make the best out of your life. But have you made yourself the best you’ve been? When did you last buy those roses you eye everyday? When did you last be your own best friend? Can you remember the last time you took care of yourself?...

January 26, 2023 · 9 min · 1905 words · Joseph Mccoy

Sometimes You Still Love The Person But You Have To Let Go

If we do not learn to let go then we are asking for trouble. Holding on to someone that has let us go is unhealthy. This behavior is not only mentally unhealthy but can be physically unhealthy as well. Stress is the silent poison that sneaks up on even the strongest of persons and breaks them down into a sick pile of goo. Holding on to someone that has let us go puts our bodies in a constant state of stress, which leaves us vulnerable to every creepy, crawling germ out there....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 654 words · Alina Deharo

Start A New Business With A No Excuses Approach

Then the excuses set in. If one of your goals this year is to really start the business you have been wanting to start, these might be some of the excuses: In the 50 millionaires I interviewed last year, I found a common theme. They have a No Excuses Approach. That doesn’t mean they don’t have any excuses. They do. But they don’t let their excuses stop them from getting something they want....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 536 words · Steven Maldanado

Stay With Problems Longer

Problems arise in many shapes and forms. They can be mundane, everyday problems: What to have for dinner tonight? Which route to take to work? or they can be larger more complex problems; How to fix a project that’s running behind schedule? How to change from an uninspiring job to a career you’re really passionate about? Every day you’ll be faced with at least one problem to solve. But it gets easier when you realise that problems are simply choices....

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 170 words · Stephen Mcdonnell

Still Focusing On To Do Lists Steve Jobs Focused On A Stop Doing List

It’s just a never ending process of adding and eliminating, and you find that the list is only focusing on what you need to do, but not on what you don’t need to do. But we cannot just know what things we need to do. We also need to know the things that we don’t need to do so we can focus our attention and efforts on those that need to get done....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · 216 words · Carol Landrum

Stop Putting Off That Big Project And Get Started

Her answer: ex-president. That’s my wife’s ingenious way of explaining that, yes, she’d love to lend the name recognition and public trust she’d enjoy as a former president to helping people and doing important work… but that she’s also got zero interest in the exhausting work of actually running for president, let alone being one. The movie Good Will Hunting came out just after I graduated from college, and I remember a friend complaining to me, “Sure wish I wrote that thing!...

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 700 words · Valerie German

Struggling With Your Body Read This

In the last week, several people asked me what I have been doing for my weight loss journey. They say things like, “I see you eating all the time!”, and, “You look like you’re having so much fun going away on trips and socializing, yet I can see your figure changing! How are you doing this?” They all told me they were struggling to keep to a strict diet, so I thought I would share what I have done in the last couple of years....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 979 words · Walter Davis

Study Says If You Don T Like Exercising You Might Have Higher Intelligence

Why? Maybe It Is Because People with Higher Intelligence Don’t Get Bored Easily New research from a US based study [1] highlights an unusual trend – the physical sacrifice behind thinking! The researchers set out to discover the link between thinking and physical activity in the everyday lives of people. To their amazement, they discovered that the cleverer you are, the less tendency for you to be active! This study supports the theory that people with higher intelligence don’t get bored easily and they spend more time physically lazing around while engaged in active thought....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 576 words · Philip Witt

Super Food Alternatives That Can Fuel Your Day Better Than Coffee

Are you always reaching for a cup of coffee in the morning? After the fourth or fifth cup, you may find that you need something else to help keep you awake. This is because caffeine tolerance kicks in and your body isn’t reacting the way it did when you had your first cup. Instead of fueling your body with more coffee, try some of the super foods mentioned in the infographic above....

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 149 words · Dorothy Kyung

Take A Nap Change Your Life

You can save time, energy, and get way more done by taking naps. I know you’re in denial, but it’s true. I’ve used these techniques myself in the midst of a full-time marketing job, a part-time church job, trying to write a book, run two websites, and get married–and sometimes napping was the only way I would have been able to stay as productive as I was. But take it from actual research: Jurgen Aschoff was a German physician, biologist, and behavioral physiologist, and he ran a remarkable experiment in the first half of last century....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 637 words · Laura Crossman