How A 14 Year Old Girl Became A Millionaire

Isabella Weems is one of these dynamic millionaire teens. If you haven’t heard of her, maybe you’ve seen her jewelry. At age 14, Isabella “Bella” was the founder of the now multi-million dollar jewelry company,Origami Owl. These lockets can be bought in many shapes and sizes and you can even mix and match your chain. You then fill these lockets with as many charms as you want. With hundreds of choices it’s not easy to pick!...

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 497 words · Joseph Scruggs

How Can You Convert A Wood Fireplace To A Gas Fireplace

Why do people prefer gas? 1. Convenience It is easier to flip a switch and have the gas fireplace light. You don’t have to worry about getting the firewood, kindling and paper. You don’t have worry about what to do if it doesn’t start. Although some gas fireplaces have a turnkey and not a switch, it still is easier than building a fire the old-fashioned way. 2. No mess Wood-burning fireplaces create a mess....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 734 words · Shonta Cortez

How Canada Is A Perfect Place For Holidays

1. The Diversity Of Culture Canada is no stranger to diversity and uniqueness in culture. Its land prides itself on diversity and perceives it as their strength instead of a drawback. This uniqueness is then brought to the daily livelihood of Canadians, therefore every culture is celebrated and paraded. You’ll find Chinese New Years, Deepavali, Eid Ul Fitri and Christmas all celebrated by everyone. When there’s constant sharing, Canadians find accepting travelers from all parts of the world as something amazing instead of being skeptic....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 727 words · Karen Ballard

How Changing Your Breathing Makes You Healthier

In fact, yoga, meditation and deep breathing can create a “relaxation response” that alters the way the body responds to stress by actually altering the expression of genes in the immune system. How Changing Your Breathing Can Change Your Life | The Huffington Post

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 44 words · Linda Miller

How Curiosity Can Help You Make Better Decisions

In 1995, Psychologist Jonathan Baron coined the term “actively open-minded thinking.” According to Baron, the primary purpose of deliberate thought is to form beliefs and make decisions based on those beliefs. Actively open-minded thinking is the process of consciously considering a wide array of options when forming those beliefs and making those decisions. It sounds nice in theory, but does actively open-minded thinking actually help you make better decisions? Wouldn’t it, instead, make you more uncertain?...

January 25, 2023 · 6 min · 1082 words · Edwina Dison

How Durable Is Your Commercial Roofing System

By hiring a professional commercial roof repair company for proper roof maintenance and repair services, you can rest assured that you won’t have to worry about building leaks — regardless of the weather conditions. Regular commercial roof maintenance services help minimize these emergencies. Patching small leaks before they become larger will increase the lifespan of your commercial roofing system and allow you to spend less on heating/cooling, while also guaranteeing the safety of employees and clients in the building....

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 943 words · Michael Rountree

How Far Will You Go To Satisfy That Craving

After hearing about a lawsuit against McDonald’s from two girls, accusing the restaurant chain for contributing to their obesity, Morgan Spurlock decided to film a movie about his experience following a 30-day period, during which he ate only McDonalds. The documentary titled Supersize Me was nominated for the academy award, and six weeks after the film’s debut, McDonalds dropped their supersize portions, showing the influence of the film. Spurlock started his experiment eating a McDonalds meal three times a day, consuming every item on the menu at least once....

January 25, 2023 · 2 min · 267 words · Paul Sylvester

How I Let Myself Down By Never Being Who I Was Born To Be

I tell myself that I am just a simple woman in her late 40s who has been married for almost 27 years with three grown sons. The career path I chose back in college is nowhere near where I am now, and yet no college course could have ever guided me here. For years, I muddled through life without knowing it. I feel remorseful for cheating my husband and sons out of who I really could have been for them....

January 25, 2023 · 8 min · 1609 words · Roxanne Price

How Learning A Musical Instrument Makes You A Well Rounded Person

Learning a musical instrument promotes lateral thinking When learning an instrument or difficult piece of music, often we can get stumped at times. Logically we know what to do in order to get the right notes out at the right time, but for some reason it just doesn’t work as planned. When this happens, the music teacher and the student need to think laterally to get around the problem. Thinking creatively to come up with new solutions such as a different practise technique, or a different way of interpreting the music, is essential to progress....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 574 words · Mona Gallagher

How Learning From A Top Salesperson Turns You From Good To Great

You might be thinking, “This doesn’t apply to me – I’m not a salesperson or business owner!” But if you think about selling as explaining the logic and benefits of a decision, then everyone needs sales skills. It’s the art of persuasion. The job of a salesperson is to get customers to buy products and services. To convince people that their product is the best, a salesperson needs to gain customers’ trust in a short period of time....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 748 words · Sharon Fletcher

How Lucky Am I To Have Something That Makes Saying

How Lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Winnie the Pooh

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 16 words · Clara Cole

How Money Can Buy Happiness

Synthesized in a TEDx Cambridge talk, Norton showed through various tests that giving money to charity or helping out those in need was able to greatly improve the mood and general happiness of people in a wide variety of situations. Every time the study was re-tested, the results showed the same thing – giving money to others will enhance your happiness. Therefore, despite what people may say about money not buying happiness, this is not the case....

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 103 words · Richard Vassallo

How Not To Lead Geeks

Downplay training Give no recognition Plan too much overtime Use management-speak Try to be smarter than the geeks Act inconsistent Ignore the geeks Make decisions without consulting them Don’t give them tools Forget that geeks are creative workers However I would say those may be the mistake for managing any professionals, not just IT geeks. How NOT to lead geeks – [Positive Sharing]

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 63 words · Cecil Nickell

How Room Color Affects Your Mood

Oh… so that’s why I didn’t design anything good in that room! When painting homes and workplaces, people tend to stick with the intrusive and fairly unnoticeable. Are we afraid to make mistakes or is it just better to not be affected by the colors on your walls? Room Color and How it Affects your Mood – [FreshHome]

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 58 words · Emily Jeffries

How Studying Highly Successful People Makes You Highly Successful

1. Learn to never pity yourself. Liz Murray defeated the odds that were against her. From a child of drug-addicted parents to a homeless Harvard student, Murray rose to become an international speaker and author. Her story came to me through a Lifetime documentary called “Homeless to Harvard,” and the strength of Murray’s spirit encouraged me. I cried during the movie thinking about what it must have taken by way of intestinal fortitude to get her high school diploma....

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 1046 words · John Robidoux

How Successful People Make The Best Use Of Their Weekends

1. Plan Successful individuals don’t go haphazardly into the weekend. They plan their day out just as they would any other. It might be a little more loosely-scheduled than a typical Tuesday, but with only so many hours in a week, successful people know they have to use all the free time they can get to accomplish the errands and tasks they need to accomplish. Without a plan, you’ll end up watching “just one more episode” of sitcom reruns before you realize it’s already 4 p....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 756 words · Richard Miller

How The Gut Largely Affects The Entire Body

Below are signs that your gut’s health is affecting your whole body… However if you have some serious symptoms, they can also be caused by some other significant health issues other than digestive ones. Do try to dig out the root cause and seek doctors’ help before it’s too late!

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 50 words · Ernest Becker

How The Stages Of Change Model Helps To Change Your Habits

The Stages of Change Model explains the science behind personal transformation. You’ll discover how and why some changes stick while others don’t last and how long it takes to build new habits. What Are the Stages of Change Model? Developed by researchers J.O. Prochaska and Carlo C. DiClemente over 40 years ago[1] and outlined in their book Changing For Good, the Stages of Change Model, also known as the Transtheoretical Model, was formed as a result of the authors’ research with smokers....

January 25, 2023 · 8 min · 1510 words · Lillie Lovell

How To Battle Sleepless Nights

1. Deal With Issues, Ideas and Unfinished Tasks Before Going to Bed As it turns out, when we turn to sleep, we lower our guard. Our body relaxes, our body temperature drops and, as a result, our brain’s floodgates come tumbling down, sweeping away our sleep and bringing into our conscious mind thoughts from our subconscious that lay dormant during the day. I found out in retrospect that I was entertaining this idea the entire day and I was unaware that not dealing with it in that exact moment, (i....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 539 words · Katy King

How To Be A Successful Businessman The Complete Guide

If you expect this to be a list of tips about marketing or why social media is so important, then think again. Instead, we will focus on the most important asset when it comes to becoming a successful businessman – you. Often, a lack of knowledge or confidence lies at the root of failing at something in life. So, imagine the difference it will make if both of these areas are no longer an issue....

January 25, 2023 · 11 min · 2214 words · Clara Boles