Eat well

Exercise alone won’t help you melt away that unwanted extra fat. The golden formula for ultimate weight loss and muscle toning is dieting plus exercise. And we don’t mean cutting out all sugar, gluten, and anything else that is supposedly bad. Dieting is ultimately about balance and moderation in all things. Start by cutting back on the sweets and sugary drinks and replace them with better snacks and calorie-free drinks. Some great snacks to replace them with are almonds, avocados, berries, and smoothies.

Oh, cardio!

Along with dieting, exercise needs to be accompanied by good, old fashioned cardio. But for today, it really isn’t old fashioned anymore. From Zumba to spin class to our steady friend the treadmill, getting your cardio on is now a lot more fun than just doing a quick run around the neighborhood. If cutting back on calories is too hard on your body, be sure to, once again, balance it out with something–namely, cardio. Cardio burns calories better than anything else and it also helps to metabolize that little extra fat you might be carrying. The best part about cardio? Doing a mere 30 minutes three times a week will help shape and tone your muscles. So throw on a pair of yoga pants or shorts and get up and going. Targeting those inner thigh muscles with these following leg exercises will be the icing on the cake (sorry for the analogy):

Side Lunge

Like the regular lunge, the side lunge is a killer for your legs. The side lunge is near perfection for your inner thigh muscles. If you want an extra challenge, grab a pair of dumbbells to hold while doing the lunges. Start with your feet together, step wide with your left foot bending your left knee in a lunge. Be sure to keep your right leg straight as you lower yourself down to the floor with your left knee over your left ankle. Don’t bend at the waist, but maintain your upper body in an upright position. Push back up with your left foot and bring your feet back together. Repeat this on your right side and do 10 reps for each leg.

Leg Lift

Sit on the floor with your left leg stretched out and your right leg bent with your foot flat on the floor. Lean over on your left elbow and forearm. Lift your left leg up from the floor, keep it straight. Point your toes to help. Don’t lock your knee but don’t bend it (soft knee as it’s called). Try not to let your foot hit the ground as it comes down. Repeat this for 30 seconds on each side. If you’re unsure if you have the right technique don’t be afraid to look up a video to help you get it right.

Fire Hydrants + Fire Hydrant Kick

Another great inner thigh workout is the fire hydrant. Place yourself on the ground on your knees, shins and feet touching the ground. Place your hands shoulder-width apart with your palms flat on the ground, keeping your back flat and straight. Beginning with your left leg, lift your knee simultaneously up and out to the side, never letting your left knee touch the ground. The motion should be similar to what a dog does to a fire hydrant (it sounds odd but it helps you know the right technique). Repeat this for each leg for 30 seconds on each side. Fire Hydrant Kicks are similar to Fire Hydrants. As you lift your left knee up off the ground, kick your left foot out, pointing your toes to keep your leg straight. Remember to not lock your knee. Featured photo credit: Unsplash via

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