In case you’ve been on an Antarctic expedition over the past year and have missed all the hype over Google Glass, it is very simply a device that looks a lot like eyeglasses, but works like a computer. Information overlays what you see, so you can instantly recall the name of that person (You never forget a face right?  But names…that’s a different matter.) and when her birthday is and whatever information you stored about that person. Lost?  No problem.  Google Glass will tell you exactly where you are and how to get where you want to go. Wondering the name of that mountain in the distance?  Just look at it, and Google Glass will identify it. But now, with almost no fanfare, it seems that Samsumg’s Galaxy Glass is also getting ready to identify that mountain.  Perhaps we will soon see some hype, as the September launch date approaches.  According to the Korea Times: Could the competition for your Glass dollars become as heated in a few years as the competition for your smart phone dollars has been over the past five years?  Stay tuned – the fun is just beginning.

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