You’ll be pleasantly surprised to know, many of them managed to lose weight healthily. Without going under the knife, crash course diets, expensive supplements or magic bullets. Instead, they made realistic lifestyle changes and never gave up. Wherever you’re starting at now, if these women did it, so can you! Here are 5 real-life case studies to spur you on and 15 personal tips to help you reach your own goals.

Tanisha Shanee Williams (30) From Brooklyn, New York

  1. Don’t Bring Unhealthy Treats in the House – If don’t have unhealthy snacks within easy reach, it becomes virtually impossible to fall off the bandwagon. This simple act will help free you from terrible temptations.
  2. Learn How to Spike Your Motivation – It’s normal for motivation to rise and fall. To ensure you always make great progress, you’ve got to spike your motivation when it’s lacking. For example, if you don’t feel like going to the gym, look to your favourite source of inspiration, remind yourself how far you’ve come or play music to get you in the zone!

Sarah Lugger (36) From Oxford, Michigan

  1. Go Out For Light Activity At Lunchtime – Eat a light lunch and get out for a stimulating walk every lunchtime. It keeps your metabolism ticking over and boosts digestion, especially if you work an office/seated job. A brief walk in the fresh air for 15-30 minutes every day soon adds up.
  2. Keep Healthy Snacks Close By – For those moments when you’re feeling peckish, grab a handful of healthy fruit, vegetables, seeds or nuts.
  3. Split Larger Meals With Friends – You can lose weight healthily while still going out for dinner on the town once in awhile. One easy trick to prevent overeating is eating a healthy snack before dinner, then share your meal with a friend.

Shanna Fichera (28) From Camarillo, California

  1. Be Realistic and Determined – Your current habits are not helping you get where you need to be so you’ve got to change them. For example, you may love cola and other fizzy drinks, but they are loaded with calories and other nasties that hold you back. Be honest with yourself, swap it for a hydrating glass of water 95% of the time.
  2. Make Small Changes and Stick to Them – Focus on making gradual healthy changes you can stick with for the long run. Consistency is the key, just imagine the opposite of the snowball effect!   For example, slowly swapping out meals/drinks for healthier alternatives, or tapering down portion sizes.
  3. Don’t Be Disheartened By Plateaus – It’s tempting to feel defeated and discouraged when progress stalls. Just remember, it’s your ability to continue during these times that overcome these blips.

Stephanie Aromando (28) From Sandyston, New Jersey

  1. Prep and Cook Food in Advance – Often, unhealthy eating habits comes down to convenience. So by prepping your own delicious, healthy meals in advance you can eliminate this excuse forever.
  2. Boost Your Daily Water Intake – Staying properly hydrated is not only crucial for health, it greatly supports weight loss and appetite control. If it helps, fill a large 1 Gallon jug and make sure it’s finished by the end of the day.
  3. Start Lifting Weights – Cardio certainly has its place, but lifting weights is a great way to lose weight healthily. It keeps your muscles from wasting away and burns far more calories than going for a jog!
  4. Have Cheat Meals Not Cheat Days – In order to sustain a healthy lifestyle, the occasional indulgence is essential. Consider having a cheat meal once or twice per week maximum, but don’t fall into the trap of having a cheat day!
  5. Keep Your Diet Simple – Choose a selection of healthy foods you like and stick with them. Keep a good balance of lean proteins such as chicken, eggs and turkey, complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal and sweet potatoes, healthy fats such as avocados and coconut oil and leafy green vegetables.

Alyssa Ann Heidemann (31) From Sioux Falls, South Dakota

  1. Start Cooking Healthy Meals at Home – You don’t need to become a master chef to cook nutritious, tasty meals at home. Your example, could bake a salmon steak with olive oil, or prepare BBQ style turkey with vegetables. You’ll no longer be trapped by any menu’s healthy options list.
  2. Control Refined Carbohydrate Intake – For every meal, focus on getting protein and healthy fats, then filling up on vegetables. Restricting your intake of refined carbs such as rice, pasta, bread, you’ll greatly reinforce weight loss efforts. Featured photo credit: Shanna Fichera via

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