Here’s how ginger can make you feel more energetic every day.

You’ll Reduce Inflammation

Some of the many active ingredients in ginger are called gingerols, compounds which have been proven to have strong anti-inflammatory properties.  This can help reduce your chances of developing many chronic, fatigue-causing conditions like heart disease or cancer. It can also help with the joint pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis, another debilitating condition.

You’ll Lower Your Risk of Bacterial Infections

Infections are another source of fatigue — and ginger can help with that, too! The active compounds in ginger apparently have the ability to fight against infections caused by bacteria — and its use as an natural antibiotic goes back literally thousands of years.  Scientists are studying it now because of its lack of side effects, among it many other benefits.

You’ll Fight Off Viral Infections More Easily, Too

Cold and flu season is here!  And these and other respiratory infections can be a total drain on your energy – and it can take weeks to get back to normal once you’ve become infected.  Daily doses of ginger can help, however.  Studies have shown ginger to be affective at fighting off the RSV virus, which causes many respiratory infections and the rhinovirus which is responsible for many colds.

You’ll Stabilize Your Blood Sugars

For diabetics or pre-diabetics, unstable blood sugar levels can be another major source of fatigue from one day to the next.  These can also lead to serious, long-term health problems if the situation is not corrected.  Ginger can also help with blood sugar problems.  In one study, people with Type 2 diabetes who took 2 grams of ginger daily showed a remarkable 12% drop in their fasting blood sugars and a 10% drop in their AIC’s, a measure over time of how well blood sugars are being controlled.

You’ll Reduce Menstrual Pain

The tiredness and pain that go along with a menstrual period can also leave you feeling completely worn out.  However, compounds like curcumin that are present in ginger can help to relieve this problem. Research has shown that women who took 1 gram of ginger during their period reported this to be as effective as over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen.

You’ll Boost Your Mental Energy as Well

Physical tiredness is not the only problem people have from day to day – mental tiredness can be an issue, too.  If you feel mentally “foggy” or sluggish and have problems concentrating, remembering things and staying focused, ginger might be perfect for you.

You’ll Have a Stronger Immune System

Apart from its antiviral and antibacterial properties, ginger is also a great general tonic to buck up your immune system and make it easier for your body to fight off illness and disease. Part of this is because of ginger’s strong antioxidant content.  It is a great source of powerful compounds like beta-carotene which reduce oxidative stress on the cells and even help to slow the aging process. So if you want to take advantage of one of nature’s best pick-me-ups, then get more ginger into your diet! It can be drink as a tea, eat as crystallized ginger, or added as a powder to stir-fries, curries, smoothies and desserts, just to name a few.  Click here for some of the best ginger recipes around, and start feeling better today!