Only those who can balance their IQ and EQ collectively in the workplace will truly become the successful people they want to become. Here are steps to up your EQ so it equal to or exceeds your IQ in time.

Know Your Triggers, Don’t Pull It

To raise your EQ, one must know one’s self first. What are the things that push your buttons or cause your to act irrationally or overly emotionally. What “triggers” set these emotions off, causing you to be frustrated, anger, upset or any of a myriad of emotions. Once you know what your “triggers” are, work on identifying them before they happen or begin to spin out of control.

Know to Control

All humans have emotions. Some wear theirs on their sleeves. Others never show them. High EQ people understand what their emotions are, realize when they are happen and keep them under control when and where appropriate. They stay calm in stressful environments and situations. They stay focus on rational thought and outcomes while not letting emotions cloud their decisions and judgement.

Know How to be a Problem Solver

If you want to raise your EQ, you must learn how to problem solve effectively. What this means is to not rush to decisions using your emotions, but rather use constructive thought through decision-making tools like Delphi, Stepladder and 6 Thinking Hats to measure thought and options to make better decisions.

Know How to Redirect Your Thoughts

To counter your thoughts and what runs through your mind, a high EQ person will gradually re-wire their thinking to look at things differently. High-stress situations will not frustrate them, but rather will challenge them and they will respond appropriately. A high EQ person will not stereotype or not listen to what others have to say or offer. They will be open to suggestion and be willing to let others share their ideas.

Know When to Walk Away

If you want to develop a high EQ, you must learn when it is time to walk away. If you are in an argument or discussion and the environment an those in it are getting heated in their attitudes or approach, you should practice walking away. An emotionally mature person will excuse themselves by requesting a few minutes or another day to revisit the issue.

Know How to Be Respectful to All

When dealing with other people, you will want to treat everyone with respect, regardless how you might feel about them. Never let your feelings for someone or group of people to change how you will respect them.  Treat each person with an equal amount of respect in all situations.

Know and Express Empathy

One EQ skill to develop fully is using empathy in your inter-rational exchanges with people daily. This is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s position. You need to be willing to see things from others perspectives. This should be a primary first step in dealing with people.

Know How to Handle Criticism

Criticism is not always easy to hear, bit if you want to raise your EQ, you should get comfortable with accepting it. Then if you find the criticism warrants it, apply information from it to improve your performance.

Know Your Way Around Any Social Situation

If your EQ is rising, you should be comfortable in social situation. You should build your confidence to talk to anyone, anywhere. The higher your EQ grows, the more likely you will be seen as great communicator who can handle disputes well and builds relationships masterfully. A competent person who has a high IQ and EQ become a force that will lead others and themselves to great success. Use these ideas to become emotionally intelligent at work and join their ranks.