Unlike us humans, our pets are more affected by our seasonal changes compared to us. We are constantly protected, we shed our clothes to minimalism when necessary or we add on layers like an onion. However, our pet’s aren’t as flexible, they may go through some shedding process during the summer and their fur may be thicker during the winter but they aren’t as liberated as us. During winter it could be the hardest for our furry friends, so how do we keep them warm and ensure their comfort? As a person who’s with both a cat and a dog, it’s become a routine of winter proofing for both of my furry mates. As my dog enjoys waddling around the cold whilst my cat shrieks as soon Mr.Snow is in town. Based on various trials and errors, this article came about to help various other pet owners to keep your furry friends warm during the winters.

1. Avoid Outdoor Kenneling

Especially for dog’s, during the summers our dogs sometimes enjoy being out chasing butterflies. They enjoy being outdoors however during the nights they may snuggle by our feet. However, the major mistakes sometimes some pet owners make is practicing outdoor kenneling. Leaving your pets outside can put them in a mental stress as they lack the sense of belonging and being part of the family. During the winters, the psychological strain can take a new direction into becoming a physical strain. Their coat often times isn’t enough to protect towards the harsh weathers, hence it’s best to ignore the outdoor kennel, better yet completely remove it and keep you lovely pet inside. You will be able to shelter it from the harsh weather and at the same time, you’ll be the loving family it needs to be both psychologically and physically healthy.

2. Always Keep Pet Shoes At Hand

We as humans would tend to go crazy if we were left in the house for the entire day, our pets are the same too. Sometimes we tend to prioritize differently and sometimes we feel it’s fine to keep our pets indoors all day, however scientifically it’s a known fact that both humans and animals need the time out to breath fresh air and explores a change of scenery. One of the most important things any pet owner should remember is if the weather get’s too harsh make sure to carry with your pet mittens or better known as pet shoes. This would keep them warm and their feet protected. This tip is particularly useful for smaller dogs, as they’re much more temperature sensitive compared to larger dogs. Hence, always take on some extra pair of mittens with you.

3. In Winter Feed Your Pets More

Food helps your body produce natural insulation. It creates heat and allows your body to warm your body up from the inside. For many pet owners, we usually have a fixed rhythm or routine on how we feed our pets. We train them to follow and adapt to that rhythm and at the same time, we also have a measurement of what we feed and how much we feed them. However, according to seasons and temperature, our body requires a different amount of fuel to keep our energy as well as our internal insulation on par. During winter one’s body requires more fuel to provide us both energy and insulation. This same concept applies to our pets. Hence, always keep in mind to feed them well and hydrate them enough.

4. Constant Cuddles And Love

Winter always signifies the time of cuddles and love. We enjoy simple snuggles with our loved ones and we enjoy the coziness and comfort of being with our loved ones. That same concept applies to our pets, our pets love being loved and our pets enjoy being cuddled so why not during this winter give them the extra attention. Sometimes we are consumed with our lives, we are constantly growing and we are constantly adapting our environment. However, within the eyes of our pets, we are the only one that plays a constant presence of attachment and love. Therefore there’s nothing that keeps them warm compared to our love and compassion. Featured photo credit: Reader’s Digest via readersdigest.co.uk