These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking. In The Art Of Thinking Clearly, Rolf Dobelli shares common day to day mistakes that people make and how to avoid them.

In engaging prose and with practical examples and anecdotes, this book is an eye-opening look at human reasoning and is essential reading for anyone with important decisions to make.

Avoid Making Common Mistakes Again

Dobelli’s goal is to learn to recognise and evade the biggest errors in thinking. By doing that, he believes we might “experience a leap in prosperity. We need no extra cunning, no new ideas, no unnecessary gadgets, no frantic hyperactivity—all we need is less irrationality.” This book is simple and clear, which makes it easy for you to change the way you think and transform your decision-making-work, at home, every day. It reveals in short chapters, the most common errors of judgment, and how best to avoid them. While the list of fallacies is not complete, it’s a great launching pad into the best of what others have already figured out. Reading Duration: 7 hrs 56 mins Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

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