A little time passes, then “BAM”, something seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted screams “Here’s your Calling’s number” and it feels right! You muster some courage and you make the call.

Near Misses

Unfortunately, your Calling has lousy cell reception. When it calls you, it sounds like a possessed, static breathing robot you can’t understand. Or, you connect sporadically amidst dropped calls. This becomes phone tag frustration and uncertainty about your Calling. This experience leaves you wondering if this relationship is going anywhere. However, your Calling becomes a rock in your shoe. It irritates and nags you off and on. It won’t leave you alone. And, you can’t leave it alone. How do you get rid of life’s static and dropped calls where your Calling is concerned? The answer is getting exclusive with your Calling.

Getting Exclusive with Your Calling

You solve your poor Calling connection and relationship trust issues by boosting your Calling’s signal in three easy steps:

#1 Same Carrier Plan

All relationships begin with the same plan of action: Fit or No Fit. You must determine if you and your Calling are a good to great fit. You must ask yourself tough questions, before getting exclusive with your Calling. These questions revolve around positive and indelible experience with your Calling that were “Good to Great”, captivating, compelling, driving, satisfying, fulfilling, enriching, helped others, etc.:

What internal dialog or external experiences scream this Calling is for you? Do people comment on how well you two fit together? Do people assume you and your Calling are together? Do you feel happiest, engaged, and meaning-filled hanging out with your Calling? Can you imagine your best life without your Calling? Do you have a vision for your best life with your Calling dead center?

If your responses prove indelible and positive, you and your Calling are moving closer to crystal clear communication and a trusted life’s direction. Let’s talk plan upgrades for you two love birds.

#2 Upgrades

You can’t afford communications issues in a new relationship, so you’ll need to upgrade your thinking. Your brain will run old programming or negative thoughts until you proactively challenge and change them. Your brain operates on a closed loop system. Your loop is driven by what you say is important. It is not driven by what you WANT or NEED. It is driven by what you FOCUS ON. This focus concretes into your trusted beliefs (Good or Bad). Your beliefs shape your reality, drive your actions, and impact your results. Not sure? Look around. Bingo – you are the sum of your decisions. It’s not what happens to us, but how you respond that shapes your life. We respond to life based on our beliefs about life. Change your beliefs – change your life. This begins with you solidifying belief in your Calling, which requires a change in your thinking. Here’s how you will upgrade your thinking: Your Calling’s fit will help solidify your life’s direction and best life shifts. Finally, get some insurance. Insurance against the static of your old habits, fears, and doubts. Unchecked, this static can disrupt your Calling’s communication and relationship.

#3 Get Insurance

My first I-Phone fell into a Maryland snowbank and was never seen again. Fortunately, I had insurance. Your Calling communication and relationship needs insurance too. The insurance takes two forms: Clear Development Goals and Disciplined Behavior Management.

Clear Development Goals:

Your calling must be developed into life support for your lifestyle, based on increasingly complex goals. As life changes, you update or change your development goals accordingly. GOAL: You believe your Calling is to be a Veterinarian. This best life has you opening a clinic and serving rural Iowa. EXAMPLE:  Your development goals would include (1) formal education and (2) professional exposure illuminating successful rural Veterinarians in Iowa. You MUST enroll in a Veterinary Sciences program, then follow through with studying and tough choices supporting your studies.
If you have other major life commitments (job, children, mortgage, etc.), you will re-prioritize those responsibilities around your Calling’s development. In time, your Calling will return the favor by centering everything you want around you.

Disciplined Behavior Management:

Nothing happens unless you take consistent action. 92% of New Year’s resolutions fail, because they lack a clear plan and supporting disciplines. Pursuing your calling is no different. You need goals supported by disciplined behaviors. Continuing our Veterinarian scenario: ACTION: You would (1) FIND a mentor and (2) get direct experience from professionals directly. This reinforces your trusted belief and direction. You learn success skills from those living their Calling as successful rural Veterinarians in Iowa. Goals and disciplined behaviors INSURE you are continuously growing in skill and knowledge. It INSURES you are forming the right behaviors needed for achieving the Veterinary expertise required for`and supporting your best life and lifestyle.


With all relationships, you will hit bumps in the road. You will question whether you and your Calling truly fit. This is normal, so revisit Steps 1 – 2. This will help you re-affirm your love for and belief in your Calling. In time, your Calling expertise will grow, pay your bills, fuel your happiness, serve others, and give you the life and lifestyle you desire. Featured photo credit: Photodune via photodune.net