There is always something happening around us, and life rushes at very high speeds, often demanding our focus and attention for longer periods of time. It’s easy—and efficient for the brain—to put many day-to-day activities into habit mode. However, your relationship with the one you love is one thing you don’t want to slip into habit with. This might be only a hop, skip, and a jump away from detrimental actions such as failure to communicate, not thinking of the other person’s needs, taking each other for granted, and drifting apart. The list below is filled with simple, everyday things you can do with your significant other in order to keep your relationship fresh and fun. We’ve all heard the basics of a healthy relationship, which includes good communication, empathy, responsibility for your emotions, and various other self-improvement and mindfulness traits. Now, here are 30 fun and easy things to bring into your relationship to help keep you present, playful, and remembering all those fabulous things you love about your partner. The drive to be in a loving relationship can be an incredibly strong need. After all, love is one of our strongest emotions. Whether you have been in a relationship 6 months or 12 years, actively working toward keeping the relationship healthy and strong takes two people. If nothing else, cuddle up on the couch, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the list below as your own form of bonding time. Mix and match them, create your own, have fun with it. Share it with your friends and see what they think!