So here are 5 ways you can make more money in 2015.

1. Rent out your car, bike, boat, outdoor equipment & extra land

If you’re not using it then why not make money off that asset? You could be making $250 a week from that nice bike you bought last Christmas or rent your extra car out and make an extra $2,000 a month! For your bike, snowboard & surfboard:


For your car:



For your boat:


For your outdoor equipment:


For your extra land:


2. Renting out your space

People always need storage. You can charge people to store stuff at your house – a spare bedroom or basement would work perfectly. You probably have a friend or family member that needs your help with this right now. A few boxes in an area of the house you’re not using are a perfect idea when you need some fast cash. Think about those self-storage places; they make an absolute fortune! You would be solving a huge problem for people and creating an easy flow of income. Cha-ching! Try posting an ad for this on Craigslist and start interviewing or try this:

Roost (Predominantly in San Franciso, California but expanding nationwide. Make $3,000 a year)

Sparechair (Launching soon. The twist here is people can use your space to work at home without being at home. The company is looking to help people network by making coworking fun and profitable. You can charge $10-$20 a day)

Peerspace (If your space is creatively designed and can allow for groups of people to work then consider this)

You can even rent out areas of your home to filmmakers and producers:

Setscouter (If a director selects your home you can make up to $4,500 per day)

3. Drive people around

The days of investing money to purchase a taxi business have changed. Today you can freely partner up with a driving company and make $200-500 a day driving people with your own car. If you’re worried about insurance these companies take care of it all. The cool thing about this is you can be a driver whenever you want or treat it like a regular job and make approximately $65,000 or more a year. Wondering where you’ll find paying customers? It’s all in the mobile app which you can download and check out now. For more information visit:

Uber (Available in most major cities)

Lyft (Just like Uber but with a cute pink mustache) (Make $35 an hour) (Community drivers for families)

4. Voiceover

There’s a chance your voice is the type someone is looking for in their online or radio commercial. You’ll never know until you try. So find a quiet room away from distraction, stand up to project your voice, and record some samples. You don’t need the most professional equipment right now. Just use your mobile phone or computer microphone. Try these website’s for voice over work:



5. Writing blog posts

There are more than a few blogs that you might follow. How much have you learned from reading, liking, commenting, and sharing this information? Quite a bit, I bet! If you enjoy it consider offering to write articles for them. You don’t have to be a literary giant. Your thoughts are your thoughts and they’re valuable – treat them as such. You should get about 25 bucks per article which can take roughly 30 minutes to research and 30 minutes to write. If you write 40, you’ve got $1,000 – just like that! This is like working a 40 hour work week while staying in the comforts of home. Here’s one source writers can make $30 a short blog post and $65 a long blog post:


You can find more options here:


If you liked these ideas on making money then you’ll enjoy this: 8 Great Ways To Earn Extra Cash

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