For the summertime, specifics include cleaning the filters for adequate air flow, lubricating the moving parts, removing debris and moving unnecessary items away from the outdoor unit, and coil cleaning. It’s true that efficiency and comfort are two of the main benefits of HVAC maintenance, but what really brings a smile to a property owner’s face is the amazing money-saving benefits. You can be one of these smiling property owners by focusing on the main areas mentioned above. After all, this money can be much better spent — especially during the summertime!

Air Filters

The quality of the air you breathe largely depends on the status of the HVAC unit’s air filters. Dirty filters not only restrict the airflow, they contaminate it. This is how you’re saving money by maintaining the air filters:

You’re preventing health concerns, which can lead to doctor visits. If you’re a residential property owner, you have your health to take care of as well as your family’s. If you’re a commercial property owner, you have many others. For commercial property owners, taking care of the air quality means taking care of those occupying the building. Commercial buildings also come with codes that need to be followed. You’re preventing fines and other issues by making air quality a priority — as it should always be.

Outdoor Unit

Summertime calls for enjoying the outdoors, often including some of our favorite activities, such as bicycle riding and baseball. In order to enjoy these activities in the yard, you most likely have plans to clean it up. This should include removing any covering from the HVAC unit, as well as cleaning up the debris that may have formed around it. Once completed, avoid resting items on it. This might include a bicycle, sports equipment, and the lawnmower. This is how you’re saving money by keeping the outdoor unit clean and clear:

You’re preventing debris build-up, which can impact the inside of the system, including the efficiency of the moving parts. You’re helping to keep the outside of the unit safe by not utilizing it to hold up items. This will also save your personal items from any damage. Items should be kept safe in a shed or garage, not up against an HVAC system that’s trying to perform its job.

Coil Cleaning

Especially if you live in a metro area, coil cleaning is crucial. Due to the higher amount of contamination in the outdoor air, these coils need to be cleaned more frequently than those that belong to HVAC systems in suburban areas. It’s advised to do this once a month during the summer months. This is how you’re saving money by coil cleaning:

You’re preventing the coils from overworking due to being dirty. In the long run, this helps to avoid system failure, which will result in a costly repair or the need for a completely new system. If a new system is what you end up needing, there’s a bright side — there are a wide variety of energy efficient models for sale. You’re also keeping your energy bills lower. Because dirty coils are forced to overwork to achieve efficiency, more energy is being used.

Along with these important summer maintenance tasks, ensure that all windows and doors have proper seals. The goal is to avoid the cool air from escaping, causing you to frequently alter the temperature. If the cool air is escaping, warm air from the outside is most likely getting in. Letting air get through is like throwing money out the window. The same thought process goes for business owners. Comfortable temperatures will keep customers around during these months, but not-so-comfortable temperatures can scare them away for the season. In this situation, it’s best to spend the money on an efficient air conditioner and consider regular maintenance. Featured photo credit: Markus via