If you are ready to improve your sleeping pattern, try yoga. Yoga is one of the best ways to relax your mind and ease tension in the body, helping you to get a great night’s sleep. We have picked out 5 of the best yoga poses for sleep, as they target different muscles in your body to make sure you are truly relaxed for bed time. You don’t need a yoga mat or any equipment for these exercises – just lie on your bed and go through each pose before falling asleep! Here are 5 simple yoga poses for sleep:

1. Salabhasana

Salabhasana is known for helping to reduce stress while encouraging sleep. This is because the pose helps to relax the muscles in your back and stomach, reliving indigestion and back pain. It also helps to sooth the chest and neck while removing leg pain.

2. Supta Baddha Konasana

Supta Baddha Konasana is a wonderful pose that helps you to reach a deep state of relaxation within 5 to 20 minutes. The pose stretches the thighs while opening up the lower body, improving circulation and removing pressure. It also benefits your nervous system!

3. Jathara Parivartanasana

This pose translates to ‘stomach rolling around’, and it is known to help with insomnia by relaxing the lower back and helping with digestion.

4. Upavistha Konasana

Upavishta Konasana removes tension from the lower back, legs and groin. It can also relieve arthritis and ease sciatica, and it is great for relaxing the mind.

5. Supported Savasana

This is the final pose before you go to sleep, as it really helps your mind to relax.

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