Getting active can be a challenge, especially if it requires that you go to an extreme amount of extra effort to do so. There are a few ways, however, that can help you get active without the extra effort, which can help you lose weight, get healthier, and feel great. Here are five life hacks that can help get you up and active without you even thinking about it.

1. Stop Pushing Snooze

One of the biggest things that people do which negatively affects their overall activity level is pushing snooze time and again each morning when they should be leaping out of bed. Though it may seem as if your alarm clock is enough, setting several alarms is a great way to make sure that you are up and alert. Having multiple alerts like one on your wrist watch, one on your cell phone, and your traditional alarm clock will force you to get up to shut them all off thus helping to wake you up and get you moving for that early morning workout.

2. Bring the Gym to You

It does not take expensive machines to make you healthy. You can bring the gym to your home by using things like chairs, stairs, and even the good old floor of your home to get you more active. Try using household items to help get you healthy. It will save you money and time and effort in the long run as you will not have to join a pricey gym or drive there to workout. Doing squats on a chair, leg exercises on the floor, or even using something as simple as a paint can as a weight can truly help get you active.

3. Do Exercises All Day

Slipping in a bit or cardio while you get dressed, some strength training while you wait for dinner to cook, some squats while you walk across the house, walking in place or riding an exercise bike while playing video games, and other similar tactics can help you stay active without the boring routine of a workout. Using these tactics is a great way to add some exercise without having to commit to a routine that may be stressful.

4. Cut Down Calorie Intake

Taking the time to write down what you eat may seem like a great idea but often carrying around a notebook to do so can be incredibly frustrating and often times people simply forget. Instead, buy a watch or calorie counting app that keeps track for you. These technological devices can help keep track of how much you have eaten and how much you can still eat to continue to lose weight.

5. Use Your TV Time as Workout Time

Those of us who just want to sit down and relax with their favorite show when they get home know how annoying it can be to have to get up and go exercise when you are trying to enjoy a little rest and relaxation. That being said, people who watch television also know how annoying commercials are and how they can disrupt the flow of the greatest drama. Take the time to turn your commercial breaks into workout breaks. On average, during an hour-long show there are about 20 minutes of commercials. If you take the time to do a few exercises during each break you can have timed intervals in which to workout, you can avoid paying attention to pesky ads, and you can even get in a 40 min workout without getting tired by just watching two hours of television. These life hacks are meant to make getting active easier, and they will help if you take the time to do them. Getting active does not have to be difficult; with a few simple steps, anyone can get active and make a huge difference in their lives and overall health.

Simple Yet Effective Life Hacks to Make Your Lifestyle More Active - 32