Problems arise in many shapes and forms. They can be mundane, everyday problems:

What to have for dinner tonight? Which route to take to work? or they can be larger more complex problems; How to fix a project that’s running behind schedule? How to change from an uninspiring job to a career you’re really passionate about?

Every day you’ll be faced with at least one problem to solve. But it gets easier when you realise that problems are simply choices. There’s nothing ‘scary’ about them other than having to make a decision. No matter what job you’re in, where you live, who you’re partner is, how many friends you have; you will be judged on your ability to solve problems. Because problems equal hassles for everyone concerned. And people don’t like hassle. So the more problems you can solve, the less hassle all-round, the happier people are with you. Everyone wins. So what can you do to enhance your problem solving skills? 6 Ways to Enhance Your Problem Solving Skills