A study has shown that if you have sleeping problems, sleeping with your pets can help you achieve a better quality of sleep. The results came from the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. The researchers surveyed 150 patients regarding their sleeping patterns and their pets. The researchers even asked the type and number of animals in their home, how the pets behaved and how pets affected their sleep. Out the 150 respondents, 56 percent of them said that they share bed with their pets while 41 percent said that their pets are beneficial to their sleep. The study conducted showed that people who sleep with their pets like cats or dogs have a better sleep because they feel safe and secure. Aside from sense of security, sleeping with pets has been proven to help humans achieve the following:

1.It provides relaxation

Are you stressed with the tension and workload of your life? If you have been facing pressure and troubles lately, having pets can give you the relaxation that you need. Sleeping with your pets can reduce stress and anxiety for both the owner and the pet. Cuddling your pets releases oxytocin, which allows you to bond with the other party, lessens stress and lowers blood pressure. It’s also been known to improve digestion, problems with which are often caused by high stress levels. Even touching your pets can raise the level of oxytocin in the body which gives a feeling of satisfaction and serenity.

2. It provides companionship

A lot of pet owners view their pets as a companion and part of the family. The researchers for the study found out that people sleeping alone and people who have a partner who works overseas or works every night liked the companionship of having a pet and found it beneficial for personal health and well-being. The companionship of your pets can help prevent your sleeping problems and even some of your illnesses. For example, it is helpful in combating loneliness, a prevalent issue that can even lead to serious problems such as depression.

3. It provides comfort

Pets create a sense of comfort for people leading them have a good night’s sleep. Pets can even keep people warmer at night; that’s why sleeping with pets can make you feel comfortable. The heart beat and breathing of animals can actually contribute to a good night’s sleep. For example, in the study, a 64-year-old woman shared that she felt more content when her small dog slept under the covers near her feet. Another married woman even described her two small dogs as bed warmers. A 50-year-old woman described her pet cat sleeping on her chest as soothing. Furthermore, the comfort that your pets provide offers emotional relief, particularly if you are suffering from depression, loneliness, or anxiety. Sleeping with pets certainly offers great advantages, especially for people experiencing difficulties with sleeping. It provides a sense of relaxation, companionship, and comfort which can be a beneficial for health and well-being overall. However, there are still cons that must be considered when sleeping with pets so people must carefully understand both sides in order to make the decision that is right for them. Ultimately it’s a personal decision whether someone wants to allow their pets to stay in their bedroom and sleep with them at night. But if you have a sleeping problems, then you must try sleeping with your pets and see how it can help you! Featured photo credit: PicJumbo via picjumbo.com