The creative gene isn’t something only a few are blessed with, but something that we all possess. Some have just chosen to cultivate it more than others. Think of it as a seed that’s planted in your garde: For you it might just lay dormant, but others have been pouring nutrients and water onto theirs for years. I’ll show you how to nurture this seed in the simplest way possible. So often, we’re forced to make a decision between the work that pays the bills and the work that allows us room to express ourselves. Often the work that puts a roof over our head takes precedence over the rest, so the goal here is to create a little space in your life to express yourself. This could be a practice of waking up 20 minutes earlier so you can write down your thoughts freely in the morning, or if you’re a painter, all it takes is a little more canvas time in your life after work. However you like to spend your time creating, just make a little more time for it. A few extra minutes is all you need to re-awaken this gift. After you create a little more space in your life, it’s time to engage fully. When you set aside this haven of extra space, make sure that you don’t fill it with worries of what else you could be doing. Treat this as a sacred time; a time when you are truly free from your obligations. Once you have your instruments (pen, pencil, canvas, etc.), take a few deep breaths. The only thing you want to do here is engage as fully as possible. Be with the process of creating; watch your brush paint new worlds before your very eyes. Imagine yourself as a great painter creating the next great work. Any time you find yourself getting pulled away by a rogue thought, just take a deep breath and re-engage. We’re often very hard on ourselves when we do anything creative, and stop ourselves from nurturing our gifts before they’ve even pulled out of the driveway. The important thing to keep in mind when engaging your creative muscle is that the process is the important part—the end result does not matter. The more frequently you play in this zone, the stronger you’ll get. Think of it as time spent in the gym: continuous sustained effort is worth more than a sporadic outburst in the long run. Keep at it, enjoy the process. After a while you’ll be at the level you want to achieve. Without getting too “deep”, remember this is about letting the process take you. In the modern world we play within the realm of our rational mind 90 percent of the time—now we’re surrendering the wheel to our co-pilot. When you sit down to engage, try not to force anything. Let the process of creation take you over and see where it wants to go. Instead of trying to paint a picture of a sunset, ask your brush where it wants to go, then follow the answer. Some might liken this to doodling, but if you ask the right questions you can engage your creative mind in ways you never thought possible. This was a short guide into activation your dormant creativity muscle. A quick overview: create a little space in your life, be present, leave the baggage at the door, be with the process and let it guide you. You’re well on your way.