Likelihood is, if you’re reading this article you’re already pretty confident in yourself. You’re wanting to improve this area of your life, which means you’re already self-aware enough to make that choice. Even just acting confident can mean you instantly feel more positive about yourself and the way you are perceived by others. But you might want to begin working at it from another angle. Why not try developing confidence from the inside out? Here’s how:

You don’t need to try too hard

If someone is showing off in the boardroom or in any other area of life, they do not come across as confident. There is a saying in Texas that, “the smallest dog barks the loudest” and this applies here. It’s true. The person needing to talk loudly about their achievements or fish for compliments for validation will likely not be feeling very confident. So, instead of thinking that you need to impress those around you, instead begin thinking thoughts like ‘I’ve got this’ or ‘I can do this.’ Think about ways in the past that you have killed it, and begin playing with the idea that you are a confident person now. That this is just how it’s going to be from now on. With this inner belief that you are confident and you don’t need to do any tricks to prove it, people will be more drawn to you. Your confidence will show through your work and clarity, because you’re no longer worried about what they think of you – you’re playing on another level.

Don’t buy people’s doubts; invest in positive role models

An unfortunate fact of life is that when we share our ambitions with friends or family the response will most likely be, ‘that’s hard to do,’ or ‘oh, I wouldn’t do that.’ But, fortunately they are not you, and each person has their own goals and drives. While some of these people we love and admire, we don’t have to take on what they say and believe it. But we can choose to surround ourselves with positive people who do support and encourage us to do what we want to do. Believing in ourselves could be one of the most powerful confidence boosters and you can begin by simply listening to a podcast or an audiobook that makes you feel empowered. Anything that makes you feel like you can take on the world. Join a local group of people who are making things happen. Join a social media group of like-minded people. Whatever works to develop that belief in who you are and what you stand for.

Make good choices consistently

Another confidence booster is to set up healthy habits that regularly improve our self-image. This could be anything, from holding a power pose every time before you go into a meeting, to going for a run, or even taking some extra time and care in the mirror during your morning routine. Whatever it is, it should be practiced at least once a week, and leave you feeling pretty darn good about yourself. Healthy habits improve our self-perception, thus boosting confidence levels and reducing stress. This isn’t about moving mountains. Just deciding to exercise for ten minutes a week at first, for example, can begin that process to feeling fabulous in your own skin. Basically, when you make good choices on a regular basis, a snowball effect begins where your perceived self-image improves, and thus, your confidence. You feel that shift on the inside, that you are living with more purpose than before, consistently doing what fulfils you or makes you feel good will naturally help you to connect to yourself. And those who are fully connected to themselves exude confidence. It’s tangible. Effortless.