If you are a regular Internet Junkie, then this might be familiar with you. The Internet has been a place where nothing is fixed and stable. The very article you read today might not be their tomorrow. It has been often a place marked my minute changes. If you are still thinking of what 404 means, let me clear that off. It is the most common and one of the basic Internet errors. If you visit your favorite website one fine day and an error pops up, it’s much likely to be a 404 error. Most of the times server gets failed and the 404 error message pop up. These types of errors are caused on normal basis (on such an extent that the word 404 has topped the World’s Popular Word for 2013). So it’s quite better and preventive to be aware of these internet error codes. Keeping that in mind, we present some of the most common Internet errors.

#Error 400

These types of errors usually pop up when you mistype a certain URL. Take for consideration, you type (www.lifehacq.org) instead of (www.lifehack.org). This type of errors are usually experienced by folks who love to type fast (taking their chances to mistype quite high).

#Error 401

If you are trying to access a highly unauthorized webpage, this type of error would be encountered. Most likely if you would try to access a Admin’s panel. It can also be encountered if you enter wrong username or password via your author/editor/admin account so be careful with it!

#Error 402

If you are an avid online banker and do most of the transactions via online, then you might have seen this. It mostly occurs while making transactions. So If you are having an online transaction without adding payment information than you might face this error.

#Error 403

It’s somewhat like Error 401. If you are trying to access a forbidden page, this type of error will pop up.

#Error 404

The King of all Internet Errors. It is the most common error and I bet  you might have gone through this error once in a while. Believe it or not, it is so much common that it eventually got the title of ‘World’s Most Popular Word of 2013’, which shows how it is greatly spotted on different websites. This type of error is greatly caused due to internet problems or server glitch. Also, if you fail to renew your hosting plan, your website might show this type of errors. Be aware of that.

#Error 408

The Error 408 is also known as a time-out error. The word ‘time-out’ speaks for itself. If the website asks for a input withing a certain amount of time, and if it doesn’t gets any input by the time, then this might pop up. It also happens, when it takes much time to load a webpage.

What Everyone Ought to Know About Internet Error Codes - 76What Everyone Ought to Know About Internet Error Codes - 97