
In order to complete registration at the hospital, you will need a photo identification card, your insurance card and your physician’s name and contact information. You will be asked questions about your medical history, so be prepared. For a C-Section, you might be able to pre-register and get this out of the way.


When the baby is born, it is helpful to have a list of people who need to be called and their phone numbers. If you have a camera phone, even better! Don’t forget to bring your phone, your list and your phone charger to the hospital.

Personal Hygiene

You will not feel like getting up to shower for a while, and some new mothers are required to have bed rest. Face and body wipes can really come in handy. Also, bring deodorant, toothpaste, your toothbrush, mouthwash, dry shampoo, shampoo, body wash and lotion. You can buy small travel-sized containers of each of these to keep packing compact. You may want to bring a small hair dryer too. You may also want to bring your make-up and a small mirror, a hairbrush, any hair products, and ponytail holders if you have long hair. Also, don’t forget sanitary napkins. If you wear contacts bring a case and some solution. Lots of new moms stick to eyeglasses at this time, as contacts can become a hassle.


If you bring your purse, make sure you don’t have anything too valuable in it. The hospital will provide you with a gown, but you may want to bring a couple of changes of loose and comfortable clothing like yoga pants, a t-shirt or loose fitting pajamas, and nighties with buttons up the front. Bring four pairs of maternity underwear, a long bathrobe, slippers, and a couple of pairs of socks. You should also bring a nursing bra and pads to go in it, whether you are choosing to nurse or not. Your milk may come in sooner rather than later. Also don’t forget to bring an outfit to go home in.

Items for the New Baby

The hospital provides hospital gowns and diapers for the baby. If you want to dress your baby, your baby will need booties, pajamas, a onesie, and a sweater. Some babies will need to wear little caps to keep their heads warm. You will need to pack an outfit for going home and bring a jacket or snowsuit for winter babies. You will also need to have a car seat that meets current regulations and standards for safety. It is a really good idea to install the car seat in the car before you need it.

Comfort Extras

You may want to pack some snacks for yourself and whomever is with you. You may find yourself hungry in between meals or not enjoying the hospital’s food. It is handy to also have a newspaper, books or magazines to read while resting or for the people who are with you. Many new moms pack iPods, tablets, cameras, and so on. Just don’t forget your chargers. Your baby is the most important thing at this time. By packing ahead of time and making sure you have everything you need, you can focus on the wonderful miracle that is about to happen and not about what you forgot and left at home. Featured photo credit: Rock a Bye/M Sundstrom via