There has always been controversy surrounding enlightened people

Is there a reason some of us are drawn to it while others fear it? Actually, there is. Surprisingly enough, most of them happen to be women. In fact, it is estimated that women seek guidance from mystics fifty times more often than men. This suggests that there may be emotional factors involved in doing so. If this is true, then it is also likely that a more democratic personality type is inclined to believe in this type of phenomena.  In other words, dominant personalities would be far more critical and less likely to believe. Is there a specific reason people consult mediums? The truth is, people who seek psychic guidance have a myriad of reasons for doing so.

Some are desperate to find answers. Others want to reach out to loved ones who’ve recently passed away. Still, others seek guidance in hopes to obtain specific results. Finding love, improving health, wealth, and improving one’s lifestyle are examples of this.

Psychics played an important role in history and shaped the future as we know it. In the middle ages, people would seek advice about war, farming, and hunting. They used mediums as medieval “event planners” during times of celebrations and ceremonies. Psychics would pick the best date to host events and foresee any potential issues. It is likely they understood weather patterns and other scientific theories.

Knowledge is power

The ancient Athenian people based many of their important decisions on psychic prophecy. Traveling to the Oracle at Delphi “mystics” would interpret messages from the god, Apollo. Athenian mystics were the leaders of that era. The Oracle was an integral part of the Greek culture and is part of the literature based on that time. “Oedipus Rex,” by Sophocles is the most notable example. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs kept psychics in the courts to provide advice on matters of the law. They prophesied about battles, crops, and even made appointments for government officials. Their insightfulness and knowledge had power over the people. Many famous people throughout history have consulted psychics. Mandelbaum, the author of “The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex,” noted that Queen Elizabeth I routinely consulted psychics. She sought advice on several aspects of her life, including military strategies and personal financial issues. Native Americans used, and still use, Shamans for advice about their everyday lives. The Shaman told the warriors when to go to war and who to fight.  He would also tell the hunters where to find food for the clan. In today’s society, the Shaman is still an important tribal leader. War was eventually declared on all psychics claiming they did the devil’s work. This was the basis for the famous Salem Witch Trial which took place in Salem, Massachusetts during the 1600s. Scientists have since linked the hysteria that victims experienced to a rye bacteria outbreak and not witchcraft. “Views of psychics range from different demographic backgrounds,” says Marion, a phone psychic at She noted that the type of advice one seeks is often associated with age, sex, and income. For instance, people with lower incomes are more likely to ask about finances and lucky numbers. Professional types ask about love and relationships, while mid-level income earners seek family advice. “This comes as no surprise to me, humans often seek what we do not have,” Marion stated. She continued,“Clients want me to rub a magic ball and make it happen. Unfortunately, this is not how it works.” What I learned from her is that in reality, mediums can only provide guidance so that the person is able to work towards achieving his or her own goals. Psychics can only provide insight and predict what could happen as the result of action or non-action being taken. In recent years, there have been a number of television shows such as ‘The Mentalist,” and law enforcement agencies who use mediums to solve crimes. This has lent a great deal of credibility to psychic ability. If nothing else, it has proven at least that mediums are capable of reading people and learning a great deal about them. Many people believe that psychics have a unique place in modern culture even though some perceive it as nothing more than parlor tricks.

People are more likely to consult a psychic during times of crisis

According to Sharon Begley, author of “Why We Believe in ESP, Ghosts, & Psychic Phenomena?” Belief in the supernatural increases during times of political and social turmoil to regain control in their lives. “People turn towards the paranormal when the turmoil leads them to fear the future,” she goes on to say. They want to guarantee their safety and ensure they are making the right decisions. Nancy Reagan admitted that she consulted psychics before she made appointments. Eleanor Roosevelt and even Hillary Clinton admitted to seeking psychic advice. Given the turmoil of the current presidential campaign, there is little doubt that Hillary is consulting a great many people for advice. We may also see a rise in the numbers once the results are in due to the political climate created by the election. Not so surprising, people also seek advice from a psychic when they are afraid, desperate for answers, or grieving. “When people are grieving they feel isolated. They are lonely and question things. This draws them towards areas they think will help them find answers. They also want to speak with those they have lost. They want to make sure their loved ones are okay or to let their loved ones know that they are loved. Some are grieving so much they want to have contact with their loved one again. Only psychics can provide this,” a quote from the BBC News. People also turn to psychics when they are seeking answers to a personal crisis such as the victims of a violent crime, or the family of the victim(s). The loss of a job or divorce also tends to lead people to seek answers. Depression and loss is a key factor in a person’s decision to seek help. Psychic guidance may not be revered as it once was but it is still an important aspect in today’s society. According to author Christina Valhouli, “Psychologists agree that all belief systems…ease anxiety about the human condition, and provide the illusion of security, predictability, control, and hope in an otherwise chaotic world.” It is difficult to answer the question which personality types are more likely to believe in psychics, however, one thing is for certain, people who experience loss can only seem to get comfort from some form of spiritual means. Regardless of whether they believe or not, there is something more to life than humans can ever understand. Featured photo credit: Telemedium via