Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals and are known for being highly sociable. They show just how social they are by living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. Dolphins establish strong social bonds especially when it comes to injured and ill dolphins. Dolphins will stay with ill and injured dolphins, even helping them breathe. They do this wonderful act by bringing them to the surface and making sure their “friend” is okay! Dolphins display “culture” which was something proposed to be unique only to humans and primate species. The month of May, in the year of 2005, saw Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins demonstrating the use of tools to their young. Dolphins take care of their babies just like humans! There are other reports that display dolphins as helping a variety of cetaceans (other marine mammals including whales and porpoises). Read this to see why dolphins are truly “Best Friends Forever.”

1. They have priceless smiles

Have you seen the priceless smile on those dolphins? It can make anybody’s heart melt. Dolphins are common in greek mythology. Many coins from ancient Greece show a man riding on the back of a dolphin. The Ancient Greeks welcomed dolphins; furthermore, spotting them was considered a good omen.When you see a dolphin smile, you know you are in for good luck!

2. They engage you to come and have fun

When you see a dolphin enjoying him or herself, you automatically become engaged. You too want to have fun with them. Now, that is the sign of a true best friend.

3. They help you relieve stress

By simply petting them, you can release your stress levels by a significant amount. The presence of specific animals allows your brain to release oxytocin which makes you feel better and improves your mood. In the process, they will adore you for petting them, and showing compassion, love, and feelings towards them.

4. They are playful by nature

They are full of playful nature. Dolphins help you become a child once more. No matter how old they grow, dolphins sure know how to have fun. In this way, they will let you relive your childhood once again.The innocence of dolphins will capture you in such a way, to fill your heart with love once more.

5. They are beautiful

Dolphins are simply beautiful and gorgeous. There is no second guessing in that whatsoever. Their structures, their tail fins, their way of communicating, is simply majestic. What is more appealing, is that they are as beautiful inside as they are on the outside. Their fun-loving personalities and their quick way of swimming makes them just beautiful to watch.

6. They show compassion

Dolphins are sociable and caring for other creatures. Their acts of compassion, loyalty, and trust are remarkable. You can sense when they like you and are smitten for you. Just make sure to always be their best friends and give your bit of happiness to them.

7. They are loyal in nature

When a dolphin bonds with someone, they truly love them. Become a friend with a dolphin and then you will know what I am saying. Once a dolphin’s friend, always a dolphin’s friend. Once a trainer and a dolphin develop a bond, the dolphin remembers the person forever. Dolphins swim up to their ‘people’ just like a dog runs to the front door when its owner is home.

8. They are always happy

If you look at a dolphin, you will always see them in a happy and cheerful mood. Who doesn’t want a friend like that? Dolphins are true best friends forever. They will bring a smile to your face. They will make you laugh, smile, and tear up. People are drawn to dolphins because of their magnetic personalities.

9. They can risk their lives for you

Dolphins can plunge into depths of danger to save your life. Just give them a chance…and you will see how big their hearts are. If they see you drowning or not being yourself, they will come to the rescue. Well, that my friends, is what a true friend really is.

10. They know about feelings

Dolphins share many of the same characteristics as humans. They are emotional creatures. They can show compassion, happiness, but can also show grief when a dolphin dies or gets separated from them. That is in true essence a friend. Some people say they actually feel like a dolphin relates to their own grief by reading their emotions.

11. They will stick by you

No matter what happens, they will stick by you through thick and thin. They are simply amazing, compassionate, and breathtaking. Why would anyone not want a best friend like that?

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