Here are 10 tips to getting rich that flout conventional thinking:

1. Stop the self-limiting beliefs

Most people doubt themselves and as a result they set their sights in the middle. Not too low but not too high either. This is how most people think, so competition in the middle (or for ‘the average’) is very high. This is why it pays to think big and aim high. There’s less competition and you might find that thinking big leads you to a place where things happen.

2. Know what you want

Most people don’t even seem to know what it is they want or what makes them happy. Define goals and create specific steps to achieving them. The more specific the steps, the more likely you are to get there.

3. Have unwavering self-belief

Persistence, passion and a belief in your abilities and ideas will get you far. The right time to live your dreams is now. Stop lying to yourself and stalling.

4. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Capitalize on your strengths and know what you’re good at. Minimize your weaknesses. They’re only a problem if you allow them to be. Don’t be afraid to fail. See the trial-and-error process as a positive way forward.

5. Find your personal style

Learn from competitors but adopt your own style, your own brand. Identify your unique characteristics. What is it that would make you stand out from others? Be personable and don’t be afraid to show the human behind the brand and logo.

6. Consider the Law of Attraction

Focus on what you do want instead of what you don’t. When we focus on a lack of money and success we generate negative energy that isn’t conducive to achieving our goals. Focus on attracting good things into your life and adopt an attitude of positive expectancy.

7. Outsource

Outsource what you aren’t particularly brilliant at. Don’t waste time trying to do and be everything. Great outsourcing websites include:, (for Philippines-based assistance especially), and (India). These websites offer virtual assistants who can help with admin, programming, personal errands—the sky is the limit. This will free up your time to focus on what you are good at, and keep your spirits up too.

8. Luck plays a part

Sometimes luck meets opportunity and great things can happen. Feel lucky and tell yourself that life doesn’t always have to be a struggle. Serendipity happens to all of us on some level. The trick is to recognize it when it is on offer and use it to your advantage.

9. Online opportunities

The internet has opened up all sorts of opportunities to create wealth and success. More than ever, there are a myriad of ways to be inventive and come up with ideas to make money online. In the future it is highly likely that many will work remotely instead of enduring the daily grind of visiting an office. Become online savvy and learn ways to work more flexibly to achieve success.

10. Network

Surround yourself with positive people who have similar interests. Expand your social network with websites such as Meetup and LinkedIn. Connections can make a huge difference to the success or failure of a project. Often it isn’t your credentials as a professional that wins the day, it is your personality and the way you are able to connect with others. If they like you, you are more likely to win the business. There are many ways to improve your chances of getting rich. They key is to be open to ideas and opportunities and possess a positive approach to getting ahead. If you believe that life is a struggle and that everything requires hard work, this will be your reality. To get rich, yes, you need to put in effort, but it’s important to examine your preconceived ideas about what is possible for you as a starting point. Positive expectancy means you will be more likely to try, instead of dismissing possible opportunities.