A strong teamwork requires a supportive work environment in which everyone works well together and truly values one another. A supportive culture of a company is vital to finding new answers to business challenges and new opportunities from unique insights. If you’re on the journey of building a great work environment, here are some common features of successful workplace cultures. Find out how you can leverage the company’s work environment for business success.

1. A strong culture benefits companies to retain employees.

When employee retention is low, the organization faces an expensive intellectual and monetary loss. Many studies suggest that building a healthier work environment—where, employees trust the organization, feel pride in their work, and enjoy the atmosphere and the people they work with—increases employee retention, devotion and efficiency. Studies also illustrate that employees will stick around if there is a room for advancement and growth. No one wants to feel stuck or trapped.  Be sure to set some free time for them to do continuing education about hard skills and softer skills. Reward them either by promotion or pay raise.

2. A great workplace culture reinforces the company’s brand.

A great working environment is likely to remuneration when employees become brand ambassadors of the company. Employees who work in friendly and flexible environments are more likely to talk about their companies on social media, and are more likely to express pride in their organizations.

3. A great work environment can lower absenteeism.

Many managers are finding that a flexible and healthier work environment significantly cuts down absenteeism in the company—if it’s executed properly. Flexible work environments help employees to work from home. If appropriate accountability systems are in place, a flexible work environment has the potential to be more favorable, not only for the whole profitability of the business, but for the better customer service as well.

4. The work environment can impressively influence employee morale.

Studies have shown that employee morale is directly tied to the workplace environment—the more stressed and dissatisfied employees are at the workplace, the more productivity will drop. In contrast, a happy employee means fruitful output in a healthy and productive work environment.

5. A strong work environment can be leveraged to execute strategy.

A company with a strong work environment possesses shared values, and it can execute strategies in a better way, by giving guidelines to the employees, to achieve shared company goals. As a result of this, employees across the company are aligned properly with the company’s motto. Strategically you will have to plan creative assignments for the employees. Assign them projects that they are passionate about.  Communicate to them that you need to add value to the company and give them time to be innovative and manage the projects.

6. A strong work environment can improve job performance.

A company must identify what actually motivates, provokes and engages associates at work. People lean towards more productivity when they are in an environment that makes them feel valued and gives them a sense of ownership, where they are rewarded for their hard work. You must compensate your employees as generously as you can.  If you can give yourself the salary that can get you a private jet, the employee’s salary should be adequate for them to make ends meet.   Employers are not able to do all these overnight; it will require a little extra time to implement the strategies.  Communicate to your employees about your vision, values and goals.  With the alarming rate by U.S. Department of labor Bureau of Labor statistic that more than 2 million Americans are voluntarily leaving their jobs, it is in fact the time for a game change to turn the ramp around.